My Generation | Teen Ink

My Generation

March 26, 2011
By Danielleeeee BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Danielleeeee BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you want a general idea of what my generation is,
I’ll just tell you what it isn’t:
responsible or original or for that matter, identifiable.
A young society enslaved by chains of technological advances;
our words downplayed by common abbreviations,
Changes promised but not fulfilled.
We lack the determination of those before us
who strived with their strength
to improve the lives they hated.
Most of the immaturity around me leaves me in a bind,
wrestling the thought that whoever’s next in line
just wants to dig a deeper grave by
filling their lungs with an
ill-scented smoke for that
moment of heaven that poisons the mind.
The holy place producing powerful words that
when audible could change our world.
In reality you see,
the world is ours
but my generation has decided
to omit our power.

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