The Pessimistic Summation of Mankind | Teen Ink

The Pessimistic Summation of Mankind

March 20, 2011
By Mr.Spittle BRONZE, Mendham, New Jersey
Mr.Spittle BRONZE, Mendham, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How great they are, to be shaped in God’s likeness,
To destroy and create, whether or not for life’s sake,
How great they are, to make deaf the sightless,
never to give, but to take, take, take.

How brave they are, to fight for their home,
One can burn down another’s, but not one’s own,
How brave they are, to make dissidents darksome,
To make peace through force, with blood and bone sown.

How charitable they are, to let die the meek,
Their myopic ideals, shading darker intentions,
How charitable they are, but it is credit they seek,
No concern for the weak, just self-absorbed aspirations.

How spry they are, to merely sit and watch,
Gaze at another’s dilemma, with a creeping smirk,
How spry they are, not to mend their own botch,
Yet when not helped by another, develop an irk.

How natural it is, to folly and to sin,
To take from the blind, to have undermined,
How natural it is, to lie with a grin,
Pray it not be their nature, for the sake of mankind

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