Remember | Teen Ink


March 26, 2011
By Rachel Sapsara BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
Rachel Sapsara BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember that day?
That day we met.
When we met on the beach.
That beach was so cold,
So cold we turned blue,
We turned blue together,
Together talking for hours.
Remember that night?
That night we dressed up,
Dressed up as best we could.
Could we sneak out?
Out of their clutches?
Clutching my hand we ran.
Ran to the balcony.
That balcony where we danced,
Danced under the stars,
The stars that lit up your face,
That face I kissed,
Kissed before saying goodbye,
Goodbye forever to you.
You and I,
I remember you,
Do you remember me?

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