Shadow's Breach | Teen Ink

Shadow's Breach

March 15, 2011
By Dread GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
Dread GOLD, Cincinnati, Iowa
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Men only think of their past right before their death, as if they were searching frantically for proof that they were alive.

Just because I'm giving up , doesn't mean i don't care. It means I'm tired of giving my everything and ending up with nothing.

I lay awake in the darkness that is night and listen to the rain.
It seems so peaceful but when night turns to day I’ll know I wasted my time in vain.
As I look in the mirror but I don’t see my face.
I see my demons and I run my hand down the mirror as I trace.
Their eyes burn my soul for soon I’ll share their home.
It’s world full of darkness that the dead live in and roam.
The world is pitch black and all I can see is a flickering light that dances like a flame.
The mirror shakes and cracks form in the frame.
As I stare I feel demons grasps as they try to pull me in.
One leaps out and grinds its teeth while in my din.
I look but show no horror for I know it’s me in Shadow’s Breach.
The eyes dark as coal, the heart cold as ice, and that’s all I can think of when I see it stretch to reach.
The eyes and heart are already mine but the figure is incomplete.
The scars don’t show but the skin is tore and smells so sweet.
I take its hand and the room turns cold and the lights turn dim. Now the world will come to an end when I sing my demonic hymn.

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