Secret love | Teen Ink

Secret love

January 16, 2008
By Anonymous

All she wishes for is to be heard.
To be seen.
To be felt.
Her heart beats only for another's.
She doesn't understand
What makes her so different
From the others.
Is it the insecurities?
The look she has as she walks down the school hallway?
Or is it the personality?
Nothing makes sense to her anymore.
Everything she has ever felt before is now alienated.
She is alienated.
She can't see what her own heart desires.
Her feelings are clouded by others' expectations.
Never to be the same again,
She hides behind her own skin.
Love chills her heart to the freezing point.
Hate has the same effect.
The middle road is the only path she can travel.
The middle road is lonely as she passes by those who watch.
Deep down she feels as if no one cares that she is there.
Nevertheless, she know it can't be true.
In God she trusts, to lead her down a path that is illuminated by warm light.
He hears her cries as if they were coming from his own heart.
He sees past what others cannot and refuse to.
He feels her pain as his.
Yet, most of all,
He loves her.

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This article has 1 comment.

betteanne1 said...
on Nov. 22 2008 at 9:21 pm
My favorite of all the stories by this author. Exceedingly well done.