The Other Side of Resignation | Teen Ink

The Other Side of Resignation

January 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Beauty resonates through the quivering chains,
Tied down to your fallacies,
Bound lifelessly to your shame.
In the siege of azure blossoms,
Spring may turn the other cheek,
Following the rustles from the treetops,
Clear drops smash souls on concrete.

Elixir pushes meaning into heartbeats,
A petal pierced by a thorn,
Hasty footsteps on the slow streets.
A rage of warm wind brushing,
Summer may gleam upon the waters,
Crashing against sands body heat,
Rolling waves let two divided falter.

Tenderness falls from bitter rhymes,
Foam recedes into the depths,
Recurring sins fade out with lies.
Leaves of wisdom detaching,
Fall may prepare the destruction,
Crunching elation on the ground,
Bone chilling air looks past corruption.

Lonely creatures lurk among the outskirts,
Color buried beneath despair,
Truths appear among a love and a hurt.
Branches so forlorn and barren,
Laden with heavy white snow,
When orb cannot seek out planet,
Will spring turn a cheek once more?

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