Day at the park | Teen Ink

Day at the park

March 11, 2011
By Kirstyn Siegard BRONZE, Willseyville, New York
Kirstyn Siegard BRONZE, Willseyville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We’re at the park,
Just smelling the roses,
Looking around at the trees with brown bark.
Then, all of a sudden, he proposes!
That ring, that ring!
It’s all I can notice!
The clear jewel just sits there in its shininess.

The butterflies,
They’re back.
Around him, they never die.
Alls I can see is pitch black.
This is what happens, when I get nervous
Have I mentioned, he’s in the service?

Then I flash back, to where I really am,
I’m wearing black, It’s no longer nice out.
It’s rainy, and dreary. Then SLAM.
I hear thunder. I get up, in front of our families.
Trying not to cry, trying not to pout.
But I can’t help it.
I look over at his casket, I rub my stomach.
That’s it, I say, I quit.
I tell everyone the truth,
I hear there gasps and moans as I tell them.

His mother comes up, and tries to soothe.
But no one can help, no one at all.
I couldn’t tell him.
I pray, I pray that our baby will be alright.
Although, I know he wanted to go fight.

The author's comments:
My brothers in the army, and he inspired me to write this poem.
I hope people get, that you need to tell someone something, right away, because you never know what will happen.

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