The Girl Who Loved | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Loved

June 12, 2008
By Anonymous

There she goes, the girl with her heart in her hand.
Gripping it tighter,
Won’t let it go,
Won’t give it away.
As she walks toward his grave,
Tears run down her face,
Knowing she never got to tell him, how much she loved him.
His smile, his eyes, his touch,
Everything about him,
She loved him so much.
When they were young, there love so strong,
Kissing under the moon light,
Hoping nothing would go wrong.
But then it did,
His hearts ran away,
To scared to stay,
To scared to admit.
All she saw was him walking away,
Not knowing why or what she did.
Down to her knees she falls,
Never got to tell him how she felt.
She yells again and again,
Hoping for him to hear,
As she got to her knees to say a prayer,
God please tell him this,
She asked.
I loved you then,
I love you now,
I want you back, but know it’s too late.
She knew the boy heard her cry,
Cause he said in her dreams that night,
She heard his words so loud.
I loved you then,
I love you now,
you got me back,
It’s not to late.
Just remember to believe in fate.
In another time and place,
We'll be together and you'll see my face.
My love for you will never die,
So please baby do not cry...

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