What are we? | Teen Ink

What are we?

March 3, 2011
By Anonymous

What are we?
You and I?
I thought I liked you.
Like really liked you.
Then we became enemies.
Now, I think we're friends again.
What are we?
What comes next?
I don't want to hate you or have you hate me.
What are we?
After seeing you hate me,
I'm confused about how I feel.
Then you look at me for a few moments,
with a different expression.
What are we?
At times a like you, again.
What are we?
Then I like us as friends better.
What are we?
Then I remember how I felt when we fought.
True anger and hate.
What are we?
What are we?
What are we?
What are we?
What are we...

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