Roses | Teen Ink


June 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I felt the desire to bestow upon my love a rose
But I paused to balance what the blossom would propose
Although beautiful and elegant, their splendor is but brief
Death cannot halt love, that is my belief
They droop, wilt and wither in their evanescence
Though charming, a bouquet lacks the proper essence

I felt the desire to bestow upon my love an everlasting rose
But I paused to balance what the blossom would propose
A rose designed of plastic would live on immortal
Its life never to fade, thrust thorough deaths impending portal
Yet this faux flower reeked of imitation
So fake and artificial, for love, this was no foundation

I felt the desire to bestow upon my love a precious rose
But I paused to balance what the blossom would propose
What better than a diamond to represent your worth
With its twinkle and its luster, there’s no superior mineral on earth
But our love is not showy, pretentious, flashy or expensive
Besides, compared to a rock, your value is so much more extensive

I felt the desire to bestow upon my love a faithful rose
But I paused to balance what the blossom would propose
A rose built of glass, translucent and clear
Like a window to my heart, revealing my love is sincere
However glass is fragile and easy to shatter
Sharp edges slice trust into tatter

I felt the desire to bestow upon my love a steadfast rose
But I paused to balance what the blossom would propose
A flower of stone, so resilient that the mightiest storm couldn’t weather
Our friendship durable as granite, we’ll face the gales together
But from stone there radiates no warmth or compassion
Only cold and rigid apathy in a rock-like fashion

I realized there would be no perfect material of flower
That could represent my love with the proper power
But then came the epiphany I had sought
Why not grow flowers of our own, I thought
a packet of seeds to you I would present
For in a single seed there lives loves true intent

With our own two hands a garden we will grow
Striving for real beauty using shovel rake and hoe
For love isn’t without its effort, labor or toil
Together we’ll sow, weed and water the soil
And when with cruel winter our loves becomes entwined
We will not fear for spring is sure to follow close behind

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