On the Bus Ride | Teen Ink

On the Bus Ride

March 6, 2011
By s.k.s. BRONZE, Whitehall, Pennsylvania
s.k.s. BRONZE, Whitehall, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I share a crowded umbrella in the rain
With an exchange of names we are friends
On cold bright days I share my Ipod refrain
Waiting for the bus with interest I can’t restrain

Eyes sparkling deep chocolate with waves hello
You are loud and energetic, the center of fun
But in your hugs strength and dependability do show
Happily jostling, always close by, onto the bus we go

In the sluggish morning on the bus you appear
Sing to me your sorrow and joy, all the more I’ll know
Side by side, hand in hand, best friends are always near
Falling fast, don’t get hurt, and never speak words insincere

All around words whispered but we’ll hold our heads with pride
As we grow nearer I’m slightly afraid, your warmth will go away
Wrapped up in you we’ll walk the square seeing a whole different side
And now I know you had to go but I will always remember the bus ride

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