vintige smile | Teen Ink

vintige smile

June 11, 2008
By Anonymous

that meretricious and vacuous smile entrances me
a precurser of forboding joy
those eyes, baby blue, and at the same time void of all color
void of all things but greed and a transitory gleem of contemptious sadness
what forces this makeshift smile in front of the screams and tears
what pushes this mask in front of your emotions
superciliously you stare with those same eyes stare at life as though its not a part of you, but some outside irritation
your mask hides you from this life and saves your emotion
years pass and painted masks will fade, sooner rather than later lets see something real
let me see the tears that have stayed hiddin all these years
let me hear you scream at the top of your lungs, rattle my heart as to relieve your soul
or better yet let me see that vintige smile thats been hidden all this time
that real and utterly tranfixing smile that makes me want to weep for its beauty and jump for the shear joy that it exudes

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