The Lion's Tale | Teen Ink

The Lion's Tale

February 9, 2011
By Anonymous

On a night cold and dreary, a man was hunting near and far,
When out of the blue came a colossal lion beginning to “RAWR!”
The hunter swore to the beast that he would do nothing to harm him,
The lion shook his head twice and began to reply on a whim,
“Forever you tell me that we will always be friends,
But one day you will deceive me; and your life will surely end.”

The man refused to believe what the lion had said was true,
The lion was certainly not out to get him, but he warned him of what not to do,
With a growl in his stomach, the man pounced on the beast,
He was most assuredly hungry and thought he would enjoy a great feast,
But before the man got out of control, the lion threw the hunter over the hill,
The lion could never risk the chance, for he had not even written his will.

Proudly the lion knew his insight was right,
For the man was naive and could not think past that night,
The tale goes to show you that the lion lived long and well,
For the lion was never shy to warn others and of his lesson learning tale,
“Forever you tell me that we will always be friends,
But one day you will deceive me; and your life will surely end.”

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