I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

June 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I am attention and deficit disordered
I wonder if people know how hard I try
I hear all the voices around me except the one that is most important
I see all the thoughts in my head
I want people to understand I am trying
I am attention and deficit disordered

I pretend that everything is ok
I feel frustrated, and overwhelmed
I touch nothing
I worry that my efforts won't be enough
I cry over the fact that people don't get what i'm going through
I am attention and deficit disordered

I understand it will take time to sort this out
I say I can do it
I dream to become a teacher and help those with the same problem as mine
I try my hardest to not let it get the best of me
I hope someday I can become organized
I am attention and deficit disordered

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