Memories in the Sky | Teen Ink

Memories in the Sky

February 6, 2011
By Anonymous

That star from your coat now sits in the sky,
I smile, I frown, I laugh, and I cry.
They took your life; they stole your name,
342965 was what you became.

The Nazis cheered at your pain and gloom,
They spread lies about how you would get out of there soon.
You were an animal; overworked, underfed, and abused,
Beaten and hopeless, astounded and bruised.

You filled your days at the camp listening hard,
For the buzz of a bee, the chirp of a bird; any sign of life outside the barren, rotting yard.
You could not believe that God would let this happen to you,
For the reason being that you were a Jew.

Grandpa, don’t worry, I will never forget,
Your endurance, your strength, not once did you quit.
Grandpa, don’t worry, your memory lives on,
I will share your story and it will never be gone.
Grandpa, don’t worry, because tonight is the night,
I’ll look up at the stars and know you’re alright.

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