The Rock | Teen Ink

The Rock

June 8, 2008
By Anonymous

A child was formed today.
Brought to a family,
To be shaped and molded,
Until he could make his own decisions.

They slowly chipped away at him,
His innocence was the first thing to be shed
And by the time he started school
He was a copy of his parents.

Once he got to school,
He was shaped and molded
Until the day he had learned everything he needed
To make his own decisions.

The school slowly chipped away at him,
His ignorance was the next layer to leave him,
And by the time he reached adolescence,
He was a copy of his parents and his teachers.

Once he reached adolescence,
He was shaped and molded,
Until he was loved and crushed and learned what he needed
To make his own decisions.

His peers slowly chipped away at him,
His emotions were the next to drop from his body
And by the time he was an adult
He was a copy of his parents, teachers, and peers.

Once he was an adult,
He was thrown into the world,
Expected to make his own decisions,
Expected to have his own opinions,
And no longer could he turn to anyone else.

No one was chipping away at him anymore,
But despite his desperate grasps,
His sanity was finally lost.
And he was turned to stone.

A marble statue standing alone,
No more would his opinions be needed,
No more would his decisions be warranted,
He was a copy of his parents, his teachers, and his peers.

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