Forever in her heart | Teen Ink

Forever in her heart

June 6, 2008
By Anonymous

The reoccurring nightmare goes through her head
over and Over, once again, as she floats over the river.
She can not get over the thought
She can not stop from thinking
Thinking about all the things she missed with him.
He was there when life got hard
He gave her all her precious memories.
She loved him and would be nothing without him.
She thought he would be with her forever,
Yet what ever lasts forever?
He was gone with a blink of an eye.
She holds his picture in her hand and swears never to let go of it.
Tears streamed down her cheeks
every night as she went to bed.
Tears streamed down her cheeks morning
as she wakes to an empty bed.
All she could do is live her life,
putting up a fake smile for everyone to see.
She wanted to be with him through sickness and health.
But all she could do it suck the life out of her soul.
The reoccurring nightmare goes through her head once more,
As her lifeless body floats over the river and into the ocean…

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