Destructive Behavior | Teen Ink

Destructive Behavior

June 9, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm stuck in between the two trying to protect myself from myself, losing myself though the mind is underlined with quotes so easily defined.. The face smiles while underneath I hide trying to protect myself from myself. I'm stuck in between the two like an army man on the front line. I feel myself leaving only just to find another way i can hide trying to protect myself from myself still not undestanding why. Caught between what I am, what I want and cannot be, fully understanding nothing except the tears on my face which stream down like hurricane wave from the sea. Trying to protect myself from myself I only seek release,not sure where I'm going, my vision becomes blurry. I wish i could take the innocence of a child,will power of a women who was told she couldnt, the hands of a man whose soul purpose is to create.Trying to protect myself from myself,losing myself inside,protecting myself from myself if only one word could describe me, determined to become free, free from myself I'm not understanding who I m. I'm not ready to accept that, as of now, I am who I'm going to be. Trying to protect myself from myself I'm my own worse enemy,no one has to look down on me I do it naturally. Trying to protect myself from myself, my only escape is to write, so I write from my soul I write'til I feel that I cant write and then I write some more trying to protect myself from myself,losing myself,so the answer to this problem,this solution unknown,, nothing I can do now except self-destruct,rebuild, and move on.

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