A Twisted fate | Teen Ink

A Twisted fate

June 5, 2008
By Anonymous

A Twisted fate
Alone in the darkness completely aware,
A small child sits filled with despair

There are bruises along her fragile arm,
Nobody assumed he would cause her any harm

Each mark a conclusion of a kick,
From a father that makes her dreadfully sick

Violently yelling in a drunken slur,
Beating her until her bodies one big blur

Silently she closes her swollen eyes,
She knows better than to let him see her cry

He carelessly continues to drink away,
So very close to where his small daughter lay

Frightened and broken the trembling child sits,
A victim of another one of his unpredictable fits

Extremely afraid to drift off to sleep,
Worried she will wake up in a tortured heap

As he attacks her she’s silent,
She won’t tell a soul he is violent

Though she knows all along,
His spiteful actions are so very wrong

She fears that she has been defeated,
This is no way for a child to be treated

What a tragic tale of cruelty,
A sad tortured soul this child has come to be

She wonders what she has done to deserve such hate,
She knows it won’t be long before it’s too late

There is only so much in a person you can criticize,
Her father will be responsible for her demise

Love is something this child will never know,
Her dreams of feeling wanted have been let go

But this poor girl is not quite ready to give up,
She will not be another victim for him to corrupt

For in her dreams she’s not afraid to show her beautiful smile,
Good things do happen once and awhile

Finally she will see this path wasn’t meant to be,
Someday she will set herself free

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