The Dino Man | Teen Ink

The Dino Man

December 30, 2007
By Anonymous

There is a man
Wondering if he will ever find one
Then a Shout comes from up the hill
He runs

There he sees something He takes out a shovel
He starts digging but he almost breaks it
He takes out a brush
Starts brushing and nothing breaks

It starts to get hot
Water evaporating
Skin evaporating



Nothing but dust and bones
Laying there waiting
Then all of a sudden organs


Reptile skin
People staring in awe
Then an urge of blood and flesh comes to mind
People running
Some people freeze because they’re smart
I can’t see them
I wonder why
I run after the running people
Then I got one
But that wasn’t enough
I got more and more

Then a meteor hit
Crap, a life as a Tyrannosaur rex gone
Now laying

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