In the End of TIme | Teen Ink

In the End of TIme

January 25, 2011
By kettingrose SILVER, Redondo Beach, California
kettingrose SILVER, Redondo Beach, California
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I'll be here in the end of time,
Waiting for the thought of existence.
Me and you will be the only two,
As the earth burns and the stars disintegrate.
The universe will be perishing,
But our love so strong will be with held.
Holding me close to your chest,
Your heartbeat shakes the galaxy.
Skies fall around us in the fire red sky.
Your eyes burn bright with love.
This love so powerful shines in the black of nothing.
There is no more; I'll love you till the end of time.
Absolute light getting sucked into the black hole.
We stand motionless and unmoved.
Forever our souls yearn for attachment,
With our love never weakening.
Jus us two, nothing else.
We are left.
Love remains...

The author's comments:
Just another little love poem I wrote to my boyfriend.

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