Snow is Disappearing From My Sight... | Teen Ink

Snow is Disappearing From My Sight...

December 27, 2007
By Anonymous

Snow is disapearing from my sight.
The raging waves of hostility are returning in my presense.
The sand of joy is becoming farther adn farther away.
My once baby soft feet are becoming scarred from the high ocean reeves of this dark sea.
All of my dreams have become my nightmares.Pure Nightmares
The blue sea has faded to black.
The gentle waves I once played in as a child are now assailing.
I am losing all abilility to kep up with a steady breathing rhythm.
I think.Breath in.Hold it.
The final whispers I wish to tell you be my last breaths.
Swim away.Swim up for air.
Air to live.
To live for what?
More waves?More nightmares?
My capacity returns and takes control.
I make my way up.
Each arm pump seems harder.
I know the waves are stronger than me. Here,I am weak.
I feel a substance below my now rough,scarred,bleeding feet. A rock?
The sand of joy?
I close my eyes,fearing it to be my last time.Open.I am standing on a cliff on the edge.I take a step back.Do i deserve this?Can I go back?Could I go back?Could I go back and repair the hearts I had broken?Could I go back and explain the lies?I clothes my eyes to think.Open.It's now dark.The moon shines down brightly full of spirit and life.If it dies.I die.No.To Beautiful to be considered and it.She.If she dies I will die with her.She has lead me this far with her light as my guidance.
When she falls.I fall.When she weeps.I cry.She blows the cold wind to assure me I am still alive.Still capable to breath.When she fades.He will come out.The sun.He will drain me of all life and beauty i discovered with her.
He is the dark spirit.He will destroy me of all life until nightfall once again.And she will kill me of all misery
and bring me back to life with her glow and life alert.Her beauty and shine.I become stronger everynight and weaker everyday.For light is death and darkness is life.Her light is my guidance home.He is only keeping me trapt here.home.She is there to help me.
She always has been.She always will be. She is there to help me explain my lies and repair the problems I've caused and the hearts I've broken.She is there.My light.My guidance.The moon.He is here.I hide beneath the shadows of her helpers.
The Trees.He brings my nightmares with him.My biggest one.The man.Foul Breath.
Skin smelling of fire smoke and strong wine.She tells me to believe in hope and life.I close my eyes.I do.I do so because she showed me how.I dream of her shine. Her glow.Her man is gone.As well as the sun.I look down.I only see words flying on to paper.Words of meaning.Words of passion.Words of power.Words of a l

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