The Apple of Life | Teen Ink

The Apple of Life

January 20, 2011
By TheRealEvilMadeFlesh BRONZE, Upper Sandusky, Ohio
TheRealEvilMadeFlesh BRONZE, Upper Sandusky, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I do not suffer from schizophrenia I quite enjoy it, and so do I"

Life is such a fragile, priceless gift.
Passed down from one ancestor to another.
The apple tree lives big and strong.
Bearing fruit with nothing wrong.

As the apple comes into this world,
like a new born child.
It eventually falls off of the tree.
The lonely apple has broken free.

Now on its own this apple is losing life.
All of the things in this world slowly tear it down.
The apple eventually turns to nothing,
But did it ever live for something?

The beautiful apple lies there alone
As worms and maggots feast.
The dying apple cannot make a sound.
Its dead to say the least.

Now the apple is dead and gone
Turned back to mother earth,
But the apple seeds will carry on
To give death a new rebirth.

The author's comments:
I use personification and symbolism to create an image of my writings into the readers mind. In this poem the apple is a symbol for a person and the world breaks the apple (or person) down.

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