Surrender to Guilt | Teen Ink

Surrender to Guilt

December 14, 2007
By Anonymous

Skin as snow, shaped as woman.
Flaxen hair streaming down, delicately sculptured face,
Hourglass curves apparent at a simple glance.

Freezing without shivers.
Eyes crystallize in black.
Overwhelmed, teardrops ebb from those two pools of void.


Frantic movement.
Scratching nails at his flesh,
Worried cries pierce the silence.
Shallow breath escapes soft lips.

Soul broken and fading.
Dress fallen about her feet.
Exhausted, exposed.
Aversion towards him, a vivid haunting.


Her fire extinguished.
Blood about her figure.
She is tainted and impure.
Dreading consequences of her actions.

Lack of self control-corrupted her mind.
Succumbing to his lunacy.
Craving to be, experienced.

Regret now wielding invisible chains,
Binding her fragile body,
Biting fair skin.

A voice in her ear:

Brown hair shadowing now,
Her eternally shameful stare.

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