Silence(villanella) | Teen Ink


December 14, 2007
By Anonymous

This Silence it burns
The craving to speak is incredibly strong
For acknowledgement they yearn.

When will they give in, when will they learn?
Each moment is crucial, they can't take too long
This silence it burns.

They trek through their days; they're far too stubborn
The truth, as they know, it's together they belong
For acknowledgement they yearn.

It's strength they must prove, that's their concern
They continue these antics, although their hearts tell them it's wrong
This silence it burns.

Soon enough, to each other they know they will eventually return
He is the melody, she is the harmony, affixed they are a song
For acknowledgement they yearn.

For the moment they're distant, but their inevitable love, they can easily discern
The moment will come, its due erelong, but
This silence it burns,
For acknowledgement they yearn.

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