Loud Silence | Teen Ink

Loud Silence

December 9, 2007
By Anonymous

I stand there
By the creek watching my reflection
In the waters below
My eyes wander
To the beautiful green mountainside
And gaze upon the red rose in my garden
Silence all around
Yet it seems to speak so loud
I hear God’s voice
How could I ever say anything
In this loud silence to describe
How that I feel when I hear Him speak
The horse gallops down the field
And I can’t keep my feet from dancing
Singing to the rhythm of a bird’s chirp
When I open my mouth to say something
No words will roll off my tongue
All that is there to explain what I feel
Is silence that speaks so loud
Louder than anything I could ever say
How can I ever thank God enough for His beautiful voice?
Yet I hear it through the silence
Of the fluttering butterfly
And when the ocean tide
Rolls in and back out again
When the sun sets beyond the horizon
What can I do?
Oh, what can I say?
I never knew that silence could make me feel this way

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