Thirteen Snap Shots of Odysseus | Teen Ink

Thirteen Snap Shots of Odysseus

January 4, 2011
Christopherson BRONZE, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is!" -Unknown

A man goes off twenty years before
Displaying his brains and brawn
This is Odysseus
Prideful at times
He fights off brutes
Odysseus makes it through
Odysseus’ grace and poise make him strong
But he still has a grappling emptiness inside
Penelope, his wife, with beauty and light
He longs for her
The woman Odysseus has for his bride
He longs for her
Odysseus is captured by the sinful Nymph
For every night he lays with her
His tears are multiplied infinitely
He loves his dear wife Penelope
With his whole dying heart
Men are tempted by Lotus Flowers
The thought of no hardships!
Sweet as the flower itself
But Odysseus leaves the Island in stride
Poseidon creates obstacles for Odysseus
He wonders if he will ever make it home
Thinking at last his men were safe
He loses them
Odysseus leads them to the Cyclops
Oh, how often he feels full of guilt
His men all die but he lives!
Hoping every minute he could return home.
Odysseus’ ears ring with temptation!
The serpent slivers around his ears
As he listens to the sirens
His men cannot hear…
At the sight of the men who took over his household
He cries out to the gods
To give him strength
Oh, but Odysseus already has strength!
And more than anyone could know
Odysseus, clever as an owl
And as handsome as an eagle
Flies through the air of life as if he was a god
Odysseus’ wisdom and wit
Are clear if not glowing
He defeated many men
Through is strength
And through his words
He sees his wife
Only wondering is she would recognize him
Wishing, hoping he could show his familiar face
Athena granting him admirable looks
Odysseus is with Penelope
After twenty long years

The author's comments:
The poem is about the Odyssey. Specifically about Odysseus. I was inspired by "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" by Wallace Stevens.

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