Game Time | Teen Ink

Game Time

January 10, 2011
By Anonymous

Arriving at five sharp, the team isn’t even here!
I’m ready to yell loud enough to pop someone’s ear.
Vuvuzela in my left, cowbell in my right,
Game time is coming as I gaze into the light.
My poster is bigger and more beautiful than ever,
The opponent enters thinking they’ll win – HA! NEVER!
Gathered around my group of guys ready to cheer,
We are louder than Squad 6 yelling, “Fear the Deer!”
Leading the student section loud and proud,
Nowhere in the world will you find a better crowd.
Homestead Highlander Football holds the motto AS ONE!
Rooting and cheering for our players has never been so fun.
Sadly, the year is over and we must prepare for the next sport,
We have high hopes that this year we will not fall short!
As the year comes to an end the Seniors must pass the buck,
Handing the section off to the Juniors – Enjoy and Good Luck!

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