My thought | Teen Ink

My thought

January 7, 2011
By Teanna BRONZE, Fort Frances, Other
Teanna BRONZE, Fort Frances, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking." ~Agnes De Mille

I used to feel your hands in mine, your arms around me, your lips againest mine, I used to see your eyes stare into mine, i used to hear your voice when you talked to me.....
I used to laugh when you laughed, you used to smile when I smiled, i used to wait for the bell to ring just to get out of school and be with you.....
But then that terriable day came when you broke my heart, you had moved on and I never believed people when they told me, I always believed you and you lied to me, but now I know you still love me...
Once there was love, faith, compassion, and feeling. Then there was forgiveness.Now all thats left is slience, anger, hate, but still in the very bottom of our hearts we both know that there is still feelings even...
after everything that happened I still find my self wanting to come back to you but I know that cant happen because all the forgiveness I had has been used and wasted on you.

The author's comments:
This was inspired about a guy that I dated for about 6 months. I really liked him and so I thought he felt the same way but it turns out he didnt. Like do u ever feel like when ur dating someone u dont see how they really are like he could be a total jerk to everyone around u but to u he is the sweetest most wonderful guy in the world, well thats what happened I couldnt see that he was a jerk and then in the end when we did break up I finally got to see how he really was and I was so glad that we did break up he was a jerk.

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