memories | Teen Ink


January 4, 2011
By Liaml BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
Liaml BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

memories flood back sometimes unwelcome. things we bury deep inside. they all bubble to the surface. the stuff we could hold back but had all tried.

they fall on us cutting deep and jagged. their edges hurt our soul. the ones we held back for what seemed like forever. hoped to be broken but still quite whole.

memories can be cruel. peircing our very mind. they bring us down when others dont notice. leaving only ourselves behind.

butknow that through the hard memories. comes a time of peace. when all the thoughts are taken care of. and most hardships cease.

the light shines through an open door. one that we all take. falling into sweet memories. ones we will never want to shake.

The author's comments:
I always struggled with painful memories from anything from friends to family. almost all i couldnt get rid of and they were literally eating at me. now i have found that writing and creating poetry and stories helps me so i hope this helps others

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