The Elegance of a Frown | Teen Ink

The Elegance of a Frown

December 14, 2010
By joslerlovescats BRONZE, Tucson Az, Arizona
joslerlovescats BRONZE, Tucson Az, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Try to overcome your doubt. Believe you are beautiful. Look at yourself through someone else’s green eyes. Believe someone out there will find you and kiss your skin until you can feel it blister with the heat. Believe in something bigger than your problems and you will be saved”

I am about 13
My heart sinks to my stomach. I find out that the whole school knows my secret. I walk through the halls as eyes are glued to my back and head. I can see the kids laughing as they turn their heads as if I would not have noticed.

I am about 11
I am listening to a band called Green Day… they’re not bad.

I am about 5
I laugh at the look on my brother’s face when he receives his first Nintendo. He beats me at every game we play.

I am about 14
I smell mint and rain as my heart is stolen from my chest for the first time in my life.

I am about 7
I beat my brother for the first time ever at anything. We are playing super smash brothers and I am Kirby and he is Ness I beat him with 3 lives to spare. he still denies I beat him.

I am about 12
I’m getting a rusty old guitar for Christmas from my mom; she is smiling as I begin unwrapping my life-changing gift. I begin strumming the out of tune strings on the guitar.

I am about 13
I am shipped off to California, my mom said something about moving me to my cousins house to make me feel better but I am too sad to even think.

I am about 7
I take a plane to Costa Rica and spend 2 weeks at the Iguana Inn living in a tree house and hanging out with family friends.

I am about 10
I finally learn how to cook my mom’s famous pasta sauce I will never eat pasta in a restaurant again.

I am about 2
I move to Tucson, Arizona. The tall mountains look over me and the peaceful desert sun sings me to sleep.

The author's comments:
This piece is close to my heart

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