December 13, 2010
By lia44 SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
lia44 SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like you’ll never see me again
what does that mean?
That life isn’t always what it seems
like when I look across the room at you and my face beams
or the fact that every time you come near me I get butterflies
and praying and wishing that you’ll never say your goodbyes
that’s what I think I got nervous about
because just the other day ..I could of sworn people saw you scream and shout

So what’s the unthinkable?
Something that’s non-believable
something not achievable
something we could make reasonable
a slap, a hit, a push
a hard kick to the soft tush
what did I ever do to you
but ever so gently love you and call you my boo
you say you love me
but I don’t see
you don’t show it
or is it just another magic trick
CAT-on your feet ever so lightly and quick
just as sly as you are,
The best contender by far
I think you’ve slightly raised the bar
but behind closed the one who got hurt with the stinging black tar

I care for you
but I think you no longer can be my boo
I want you to leave and stay at the same time
flip a coin..heads or tails you call on the dime
the word HATE is just as powerful as LOVE
but something in my heart tell’s me you weren’t that gift from above
what I need Is a soulmate
not someone who’s heart is filled with pure hate
you’re begging on your knees
back away form me..its too damn late
being with you is not gonna turn out to be my fate
this destiny I thought of mine would have to be put on hold and wait
god send me and angel to help me through
im very sick ..I have the love flu
this cant be body’s turned blue
all I see is darkness surrounded
I don’t think I’ve been set free my mind bonded
and I think I heard the words sounded’ll never see me again
then I heard the casket close
a spirit arose
as so I rose to my toes
right then my thoughts froze
the unthinkable happened
right then I got saddened
he was killed
a heart that was filled with love spilled
blood on my hands
seeping through my fingers like sand
a passion that was flowing
but sadly not growing
and remorse I kept showing
one last breath that ended with a kiss of death

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