The Wicked Witch of the Teabaggers | Teen Ink

The Wicked Witch of the Teabaggers

December 6, 2010
By Maybe310 BRONZE, Blah, Pennsylvania
Maybe310 BRONZE, Blah, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Basking in the honeyed glow
Those red sticks chime and flow
Bottlenecking from bottom to top
Lining the silver lips of her pot

A dash of dumb and a pinch of duh
Her witchy fingers move like a bug
Crawling into our minds so light
She brings with her an herbal plight

Spellbound we watch and stare
This beast with a**hole flare
No way we can trust their minds
The constitution is what you'll find

Yes there is a separation of Church and State
No matter what the beast salivates
Don't fear those spiny claws
Look at what's right and the tiger's flaws

A whipping wind is right around
But we stand and stare towards the ground
The twigs of justice, branches of law
Who can help but a little guffaw

Take cover under desks and closets far and wide
Soon these loons will take it worldwide
In Tornado Valley they drink and graze
They're nothing more than a Justin Beiber craze

The author's comments:
I was told to write three different things on three different peices of papers. The first I had to write about a dream I had, and so I chose one about a tornado. The second was a current event, which I chose Christine O'Donnel and the Tea Party. The third was a detailed description of the natural world. This poem was the result of those three items.

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