Haunted House | Teen Ink

Haunted House

November 20, 2010
By Floccinaucinihilipilification PLATINUM, Sauk Village, Illinois
Floccinaucinihilipilification PLATINUM, Sauk Village, Illinois
34 articles 0 photos 1 comment

He opened the door and walked in.
He stiffed the scent as he pasted by,
Putting his bags in his room.
Thinking it's goin be a nice visit.
It's a good looking hotel,
Rated 5 stars,
By everybody that stayed.
He was excited,
It was his first visit.

But he couldn't stay forever,
Well, he could,
But he decided not to.
He was okay going back home,
He liked what he got.
Which in long terms wasn't really alot.

He opened the door and walked in.
He stiffed the scent of old memorizes,
As he walked by,
He heard a voice say you remember me,
So he ran out the house,
But it didn't matter where he ran,
It didn't matter where he hid.
His old house still haunted him in his mind.

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