I Realized the World is Beautiful | Teen Ink

I Realized the World is Beautiful

December 9, 2007
By Anonymous

I realized the world is beautiful,
if you don’t mind the occasional
scream for help or cry for
salvation. If you don’t mind the
glimpse of life through another’s
eyes, fatal words placed together.
If you don’t mind the smirk
of that certain someone who is
driving you insane.

I realized the world is beautiful,
if you can handle the bombs
going off in another country,
or maybe (maybe) this one too.
If you can handle a dying soul
every so often, one less to add
to the grief. If you can handle
the children going without
dinner for the fourth night in
a row.

I realized the world is beautiful,
if you are worthy to have happiness,
a smile plastered on your face whether
it is genuine or not. If you are worthy
of the song bouncing of the walls
of this box we were placed in.
If you are worthy of somehow following
every single one of those little
fads and crazes that seem to rule
our society.

I realized the word is beautiful,
if you don’t care that the girl
down the street is being beat by her
father every night. If you don’t care
that the boy two blocks away tries
to impress, but fails every time. If
you don’t care the family the next
town over is starving some of
the time, and dying inside
all of the time.

I realized the world is beautiful,
if you don’t mind meeting
the mortician at the end
of the road.

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