Maybe You and the Stars Will Save Me | Teen Ink

Maybe You and the Stars Will Save Me

November 25, 2007
By Anonymous

Stuck in this simpleton village
bored, bored, bored outta my mind
if we could ride and settle by a bonfire
and lay with the stars above us,
to swig a bottle,
to laugh and shout,
creating luscious memories in my mind
of a good time
to not be negative nor vicious
but the beast shall eat your smiles in time,
its why a runaway
runs away
from this rotting place
it devours,
your looking for something to numb it,
numb its teeth sinking into your brain
you beginning to think its you
maybe your weak and useless
but look around
to find everyone in this zombie state
If you want more
it will drain you
if you want less
it consumes you
so your looking for happiness
searching and begging
for peace in your nervous heart
for a shoulder to lean on
to fall on
to keep you standing
to keep you living
keep your soul from leaving
your veins from bleeding
so for now this bottle
and these memories
are all that I have
to keep me from melting
and crashing
it could be worse
but couldn’t everything
and hopefully it will be brighter
in a different light
on some different day.

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