You against everything | Teen Ink

You against everything

November 12, 2010
By Anonymous

your tortured everyday and no body realizes it

you hurt and cry only in the rain so no body knows

your the one thats always picked last

people only care for you when your dead

you wish you could be free from the pain

your heart beats once a day no matter how fast you run

your sunshine is a lightning storm knocking down trees

the only one who cares for you is no body

you feel like its you against the world

no help for i person like you that is miserable and has to hide it

you try to explain but they dont listen

you want to just go away to a deserted island and see if anyone notices you are missing

you want to die peacefully in bed after saying "good night" to life

you wish somebody would care but you know it is only a wish

people say stuff to make you feel better but their words are no remedy for your pain

you are you against everything

The author's comments:
this how i feel sometimes

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