Just Too Late | Teen Ink

Just Too Late

December 12, 2007
By JenaiBJackson SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
JenaiBJackson SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reaching my breaking point,
Slowly burning like a full breed weeded joint,
Melting like slow churned ice cream,
Crying, I cry rivers, I bleed tears,
Choking like a diabetic chewing a piece of sugar coated candy,
Dieing like I’m stabbed in the back in the same wound over and over,
I remain shivering cold with not one soft fabric in sight,
I lie there, trying to keep little warmth,
But nothing is quite like cover,
Painfully falling to the ground,
I cried because no one was around…too hear my scream,
No one in sight to witness this brutal fight,
Because they claimed it was…just too late.
Shock in my eyes,
Foaming saliva at the mouth,
Dripping from the lips,
Picture, vision and clip,
In my mind, I have visions of each take.
I'm aware of my mistake,
I feel the guilt,
It makes my brain melt,
I can barely get it off my mind,
Flashbacks always take me back to this brutal attack.
I dealt with fights, struggles and strains,
I remember crying every night,
I remember having doubts,
Knowing something wasn’t right,
I remember the pain of living my life,
I made a mistake and I was too late to repair the damage
I felt the pain that ache,
Now I live In the presence of time,
Where I was… just too late.

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