When the Wind Blows | Teen Ink

When the Wind Blows

October 31, 2010
By Deevah BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
Deevah BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tomarro's a mystery, yesterday's history, but today is a gift, thats why they call it The Persent.

When the wind blows, it tries to sway me different ways,
But it’s my own road that I chose to pave.
It always blows me to the left, but never seems to blow me right
But I’m going to keep walking straight with all my might.
That wind, it tends, to scowl so mean
But I howl back at it with a determined scream.
How about this wind, rustling me down,
But these feet here, will continue to touch the ground.
When realizing defeat, The Wind! Proclaims to be my friend,
But it will be me, who has my own back at the end.
But I thank the wind for blowing me along,
Because it is the wind that continues to make me strong.

The author's comments:
It describes my struggle with the world.

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