Happiness | Teen Ink


October 27, 2010
By Sasha Cuthbert BRONZE, St.Maries, Idaho
Sasha Cuthbert BRONZE, St.Maries, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down.
If you find that you're down, just look around.
Be optimistic! Look at the brighter side of things.
Look not at what the past brought, but what the future brings.
Set your goals high, but keep them within reach,
And know that mistakes are made not to punish, but rather to teach.
Learn from them; don't let them bring you down. Stay strong.
Sometimes it's actually right to occasionally do wrong.
Things may get bad, but don't stress it, Friend.
Stick it out until the end.
You'll find someday that it's worth all you go through
To get to the end and the reward you're after too.
In my opinion, everyone's ultimate goal is happiness.
You should never give up on it, even if you think you'll miss.
In life you don't always win.
But if you lose, just try again.
And at all times, good or bad, just smile.
And you'll find that 95% of things are worth your while.

The author's comments:
My best friend was having a bad day, so i wrote this for her. :)

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