Carbon Footprints | Teen Ink

Carbon Footprints

October 20, 2010
By DriXD BRONZE, Hammond, Louisiana
DriXD BRONZE, Hammond, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

When you think of footprints, you think of land;
A simple footprint in the sand.
But there’s not enough time at hand,
To look back at a footprint in the sand.

But have you ever stopped to think a minute?
To think if your changes could be infinite?
But there’s not enough time at hand,
To look back at a footprint in the sand.

Does the word ‘endangered’ mean anything to you,
That there are fewer and fewer animals to see at the zoo?
But, there’s not enough time at hand,
To look back at a footprint in the sand.

Have you ever tried to conserve a little water?
Did you notice that our world is getting hotter?
But there’s not enough time at hand,
To look back at a footprint in the sand.

When you think of footprints, you think of land;
A simple footprint in the sand.
But no, there’s not enough time at hand,
To take back our footprints in the sand.

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