I'll Pretend | Teen Ink

I'll Pretend

December 1, 2007
By Anonymous

I'll pretend I don't love you anymore
Maybe one day I'll believe it to be true.
I'll pretend I don't care about you any longer
Maybe someday I won't but that's not today.
I'll pretend I don't love your arms your sweet embrace.
Maybe you'll believe it more than me.
I'll pretend I'm better off without you...
Even though we both know better.
I'll pretend I don't want you back
I don't know how long I can lie like this.
I'll pretend you don't mean a thing to me.
Only to convince myself of this lie.
I'll pretend I'm alright...
When you know I'm dying inside.
I'll pretend you're not always on my mind..
When you're the only thing ever on it.
I'll pretend you don't have a place in my heart...
When you OWN a big piece of it...
Yeah, I'll pretend.

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