Poem Like This | Teen Ink

Poem Like This

November 30, 2007
By itsElisey BRONZE, Sterling Heights, Michigan
itsElisey BRONZE, Sterling Heights, Michigan
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

I try to remember,
The days we were young,
When our tiny hearts were beating faster then the drum.
We’d run around all day,
Stare at the stars at night,
No worries and concerns about if we’d ever see the light,
We were carefree and silly,
Our hair up in bows,
Our dresses replaced with pants and socks with toes.
Our clothes never matched and our hair was never brushed,
Because who cared about looks when we had mud?
Crayon on the wall and soap on the floor,
Can anyone say playing dinosaurs?
Slipping and sliding across on the grass,
Diving into a pool and having water blasts,
Playing in sandboxes, picking our nose,
Squishing our toes in the squishy play doe,
Running around barefoot on the hot cement,
Chasing the ice cream truck with fifty cents,
Getting in trouble for being out too late,
But sitting up telling scary stories and eating junk food until our tummy’s ached.
Weekends with family,
But school days with friends,
Barbie’s and baby bop was the latest trend,
Halloween trick or treating was always a blast,
Daddy and Mommy trailing behind far back.
My little legs running as fast as they can,
Trying to get away from the scary, dressed up man.
Eating the candy until we couldn’t eat anymore,
Trading it at school for those others we adore,
Childhood memories that we are so fond,
Family’s with unbreakable bonds,
Growing up breaking things you thought were immortal,
Learning about life and forgetting about turtles,
Forgetting about those things that you once loved so much,
But why do we have to forget them?
Memories aren’t enough.
I realize that now as I long for those days,
The days by the pool and the days in the shade,
Nippy winters inside where it was warm,
Toasting marshmallows during a storm,
Popping popcorn during the evening while decorating the tree,
Singing along to carols, goofily,
Daddy and grandpa watching the game,
Mommy and grandma shaking their heads in shame,
Cooking the meal and experiencing the wonder,
That Christmas can bring to such a youngster.
But now those days are gone, I can’t bring them back,
I wish I could but they’re in the past.
So it’s time to move on and create new memories,
That one day I’ll miss and write a poem about like these.

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