The Dream Boy | Teen Ink

The Dream Boy

November 29, 2007
By Anonymous

I’m lost here
Looking for my purpose
As all my fears come alive

Trapped in this reality
In which I demise
Tortured here body and soul
Praying for a way out
But all I get is a way back in

A million doors
But no one holds the key
Thousands of steps
None leading to a way out of my misery
A hundred princes
But lust is only wise
In the devils hand

Love is forgotten
It doesn’t exist
In this magical land

As I begin to cry
Every drop
Making its way
Down my expressionless face
And disappearing as it hits the floor
As if it never existed

As anger builds
And I lie asleep in my own fate

I try again
To open my eyes
To see the light
To escape from this reality
In which my mind lay imprisoned

I kick and scream
I twist and turn
All prays gone lost
And then I cry again
Shaken and stirred
Across this land
Until the sun hits me
And I feel his warmth
As he turns on the light
And I no longer lie in the darkness
But as I lie safe in his arms
His voice sooths me
As he rubs the tears
From my face
And as they disappear in his heart and mine
I am no longer lost
But found
Free at last to love

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