W H Y | Teen Ink


October 16, 2010
By riversain DIAMOND, Clearlake, California
riversain DIAMOND, Clearlake, California
53 articles 0 photos 4 comments

i think of you constently
all the time
every waking moment
every d*** breath i take is for you
every tear i shed is from the memorey of you

your face
your smile
the light in your eyes
the laffter

and now my crys
my wispers
my thoughts

my love why did you leave me
my angle why did you go
my life why did you never show
me every thing were did you go

your name
your loving flame
the fire in your hart
the love you would start

and now my broken hart
my will to go on is non existing
my love for you well never leave
my pain no one well ever see

why did you laeve me
why did you die
why didnt i get to go with you

that night
your last fight

that morning
those screams
my wishing this was all just horrible dreams

why god please tell me
why did you take my angle
my litel bit of joy
my mums only resion to live
my life

im sorry god please forgive me
but why cant you see
they needed to stay with me

i watched as every thing flashed by
i watched as my world would start to die
i watched as my mum started to cry
i watched as my heart started to die

i watched as my tears feled my eyes
i watched as i was wondering why

The author's comments:
this pome is for every one that has died <3 god rest there souls

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