The memoirs of a memory | Teen Ink

The memoirs of a memory

October 2, 2010
By Jacque BRONZE, Orangeville Ontario, Other
Jacque BRONZE, Orangeville Ontario, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life to seriously, for if you do, don't expect to get out alive

Memories are only fleeting moments of happiness, love, hate, sadness, jealousy, loss, rejoice, bliss, hell.
Happiness is only what you want to feel when everything has gone wrong, and doesn't seem like it shall be fixed.
Love is how you see something close to you, whether person or object.
Hate is when you can't stand the thought of something, or stand to look at it any longer.
Sadness is what you never want to feel, as it fills you with an empty feeling.
Jealousy is what overcomes you and makes you do stupid things for what you don't need.
Loss is a feeling worse then sadness, which leaves you without a piece in your life.
Rejoice is what you do when something comes together, that gives you a reason to celebrate.
Bliss is a feeling of final euphoria, when everything just feels right.
Hell is what we live in everyday, but we get through with a fleeting memory that makes us feel, happy, love, hate, sad, jealous, loss, rejoice.

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