The Swingset | Teen Ink

The Swingset

November 6, 2007
By Anonymous

The Swingset
Running around on the playground with that
trouble-making best friend of mine.
Going on adventures,
absorbed into our own make believe world.
Slipping down the tan slides
and tumbling down the slope of grass.
We hid in the woodchips, blending like chameleons.

Then there was the swingset. That big, rusting swingset
drawing us closer and closer to its magestic seats,
swinging back and forth in the breeze.
In our eyes they were fit for a queen, as if they were thrones.

Our 2nd grade feet dangled in the air
as we started to swing higher and higher.
We were in the air, as if we were able to touch the sky.
To us, we were on top of the world

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