November 5, 2007
By FairyPrincess BRONZE, Allegan, Michigan
FairyPrincess BRONZE, Allegan, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Black, haunting old school house
a dark, stormy night
No escaping the red, bloodied faces that
Watch your every move,
Warning you that you should go back.
But you don’t listen, you keep going.
Going down, down, down
The long spiral staircase, it’s getting hotter
You hear screams of the undead and the dying,
But you keep going down, towards the fire.
Hear the voices of the tormented
Telling you to turn around,
But no one can save you now.
You have ventured too far.
This foolishness will be the death of you.
Now you see why they warned you.
Fangs drip with blood,
Blood-red eyes and a limp body lies on the ground.
The dead are surrounded by crimson roses.
More screams of the foolish people are heard!
Regretting their choice they can’t escape,
And neither can you.

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