An Angel. | Teen Ink

An Angel.

October 6, 2010
By bryanna SILVER, Warfield, Kentucky
bryanna SILVER, Warfield, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"be good, or be good at it."

you fell away into the perfect sky,
gone just like that.
I only hope to be graced with your presence one again, to have you there, i need you there..
Struck in the heart with the sharpest knife,
thats how it is, its just life.
Your beautiful face, it sticks to my mind, when i close my eyes it seems so real.
you had a heart of gold, that had stopped pumping.
beautiful eyes that had to close.
as i sit here and watch as you spread your wings to fly..
you fell away into the perfect sky.

The author's comments:
my grandma, her death was a turning point in my life, so this was very inspirational and something to write about.

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