Puzzle Piece | Teen Ink

Puzzle Piece

October 1, 2010
By BlackheartRebecca PLATINUM, Kokomo, Indiana
BlackheartRebecca PLATINUM, Kokomo, Indiana
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."-Juliet, Romeo&Juliet by Shakespear

"You are a puzzle piece that fits in place, but doesn't match the picture."-Me

"No one understands me," he said.
She smiled and kissed his head.
"I do," she whispers.
"What am I then?" he whimpers.

She smiled at him and tapped his nose.
"You see yourself as an imperfection that knows,
That knows that the world demands perfection, viewing everything else as disgusting and vile.
And yet you're here, all the long while."

"You believe you don't care what everyone says,
Deep down inside you can't help but feel your heart split in two ways."
She stared out the window,
Once again reminded of a black widow.

"People such as us are doomed.
Living as they do you're sure to be consumed.
Consumed by their malice and their hate,
Never again to be in charge of your own fate."

"You fit in, just don't feel right.
Because of them we must face this dreadful plight.
We will never know what it's like to be accepted truly.
People like us are parts of a puzzle that fit in a certain spot but mess up the picture so unruly."

The author's comments:
My friend and I were talking one day. We spoke about how we seemed to be the outsiders of the world, and he made the comment of no one understanding him. Over the last few months, I had grown to realize he was exactly like me, and this poem is the majority of what I said. He thought I was totally right, and we still stand outcasts-for-life-together.

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